Meet Our Team

  • Artistic Directors

    Matthew Bretschneider & Anna Basile

    Artistic Associates

    Stefanie Resnick

    Alexander Crespo-Rosario

    Kelly Robertson

    Filipa Estrela

    Matthew Bretschneider, MSW (he/him) is the Managing Director and Founding Co-Artistic Director of Studio Playground. He is an Adjunct Professor at Boston University and has performed with the Huntington Theatre Company, The Flea Theater, Theatre Row, The New Ohio, Alabama Shakespeare Festival, Kitchen Theatre Company, and Boston Playwrights’ Theatre. Television Credits include Law & Order: SVU and The Path. Matthew received his MSW from Rhode Island College School of Social Work and has extensive experience teaching theater in clinical spaces, focusing on self-care, empowerment, and ensemble development. Matthew received a BFA from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts with additional training from The Pandemonium Studio, Movement Theater Studio, and The Clown School. He has trained extensively with Christopher Bayes and has studied physical acting with Norman Taylor, Mary Overlie, Orlando Pabotoy, David Bridel, Gabriel Levey and many more. Matthew has taught physical theater for Commonwealth Shakespeare Company, Trinity Repertory Company, Walnut Hill School for the Arts, Rhode Island College, University of Rhode Island, and Suffolk University.

    Education: MSW, Rhode Island College School of Social Work; BFA, Tisch School for the Arts, New York University

    Anna Basile (she/her) is Co-Artistic Director of Studio Playground. She is a Rhode Island born actor, teacher, and director and has worked as a performing arts faculty member for the Lincoln School in Providence, Beacon Charter School for the Arts, and Rocky Hill Country Day School. She has extensive experience directing youth productions for organizations including Trinity Repertory Company, the Lincoln School, and the Actor’s Gymnasium in Chicago. Acting credits include The Wilbury Theatre Group, Burbage Theatre Company, Teatro en el Verano with Trinity Repertory Company, Filament Theatre, and Chicago Musical Theatre Festival. Anna has also directed and produced original works for the Providence Fringe Festival and other venues. Anna received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theatre from Northwestern University and completed her Master of Fine Arts Degree in Devised Performance in Physical Theatre from Pig Iron School for Advanced Performance Training with the University of the Arts. She has trained with clowns and circus performers such as Shannan Calcutt, Giovanni Fusetti, Mycah Hogan, Sylvia Hernandez Di-Stasi, and David Catlin. Creating original works of physical theatre and clown with young performers is Anna’s absolute favorite thing to do, second only, perhaps, to being onstage herself.

    Education: MFA, University of the Arts, Pig Iron School for Advanced Performance Training; BA, Northwestern University

    “I consider it a gift and a tremendous opportunity to be stepping into artistic leadership alongside Matthew at Studio Playground. As a teacher and a director for the organization, I have witnessed the genuine love and sense of community that drives it. My artistic roots took hold in Rhode Island. When I was fourteen, I attended Trinity Rep’s Young Actors Summer Institute and found artistic inspiration and a sense of direction. I completed my undergraduate degree at Northwestern University and my graduate degree at the Pig Iron School for Physical Theatre and Devised Performance at University of the Arts. As an artist and teacher, I draw on skills from both fields to make a positive impact on the lives of the young people in my community. I believe an education in theater has the power to teach all of us to love more and love better.”

    -Anna Basile, Co-Artistic Director

    “When you’re working on clown as a professional actor, it’s good for flexibility, for range, for emotional intelligence, physical intelligence, and when we offer it to children, one of the concepts we start with is the gift of laughter. Essentially, we’re trying to teach students to be generous with their work. We talk about the health benefits of laughter - the release of endorphins and serotonin, relief from stress. We’re trying to teach them that if they make someone laugh, they’re going to make that person feel better, which in turn may help them live a little longer, and therefore make the world a more compassionate place to live in. If a child is nervous about going onstage, one of the concepts we reiterate to them is that if they make someone laugh, they they’re doing something good for someone else. That’s why we risk it.”

    -Matthew Bretschneider, Founder and Co-Artistic Director (Providence Monthly, 2023)

    “I consider it a gift and a tremendous opportunity to be stepping into artistic leadership alongside Matthew at Studio Playground. As a teacher and a director for the organization, I have witnessed the genuine love and sense of community that drives it. My artistic roots took hold in Rhode Island. When I was fourteen, I attended Trinity Rep’s Young Actors Summer Institute and found artistic inspiration and a sense of direction. I completed my undergraduate degree at Northwestern University and my graduate degree at the Pig Iron School for Physical Theatre and Devised Performance at University of the Arts. As an artist and teacher, I draw on skills from both fields to make a positive impact on the lives of the young people in my community. I believe an education in theater has the power to teach all of us to love more and love better.”

    -Anna Basile, Co-Artistic Director

  • Teaching Artists

    Perry Barkett

    Maddie Burtan

    Courtney Cooke

    Siohan Doherty

    Evie Dumont

    Genevieve Ferrara

    Emma Freel

    Annie Belkin Fox

    Kafui Glover

    Leslie Grant

    Tyler James

    Allison Jones

    Sophie Kahn

    Teddy Lytle

    Alexis Macedo

    Joan Merwyn

    Sara McCormick

    Diana Murton

    Emma Sacchetti

    Rachel Santagate

    Anna Slate

    Chris Stahl

    Ava Varszegi

  • Hillary Bushel

    Allison Beauregard

    Amanda Bolt

    Jamie Carty

    Sofia Galloway

    Lizzy Lunardi

    Mary Mahoney

    Joye Prince

    Oliver Rizzo

  • Managing Director

    Matthew Bretschneider

    Producing Director

    Anna Basile

    Outreach Director

    Kelly Robertson

  • Matthew Bretschneider, MSW, LCSW, Chairperson

    Elizabeth Henderson, Secretary

    Kevin Kelly, Treasurer

    Christopher Bayes

    Karin Capobianco, MSW, LICSW

    Kimberly Hickey, JD

    Stefanie Resnick

    Sagree Sharma

    Gardner Stratton

Attend Our Performance on July 27 at the Providence Fringe Festival

What do the royal family, Dawn’s dish soap, and a musical sidekick with a banjo have in common? They will all perform at the Providence Fringe Festival on Saturday July 27 at 5pm! Support our students by attending an original show created by our ensemble.


Fall acting classes for kids and teens begin September 28 in Providence, Rhode Island! For more information and to register for an upcoming class, please visit the following link: Fall 2024.

All On One Channel
Location: Farm Fresh Rhode Island & Fringe PVD
Date: Saturday July 27
Tickets: $10
Location: Farm Fresh Rhode Island & Fringe PVD

Directed by Matthew Bretschneider & Anna Basile with Design by Filipa Estrela

Studio Playground Teaching Artists

Studio Playground is dedicated to fostering community and individual growth for children in northern Rhode Island by using the performing arts as a mechanism for social change. We work with highly professional teaching artists who are experienced teaching movement and physical acting. In some cases, our teachers possess a masters-level education with specialties in areas that include stage combat, visual arts, Shakespeare, audition techniques, expressive arts education, and social work. We believe all children deserve opportunities for creative enrichments and social-emotional learning benefits derived from arts education programs. Studio Playground supports students in their individual growth and inspires audiences to engage in meaningful discourse by enacting our core values: inclusivity, empowerment, and social change.

If you are interested in applying for a Teaching Artist postiion with Studio Playground, please email our team with your resume and references:

If you are interested in volunteering for Studio Playground, please email our team to request more information:

To request a professional development workshop or after school program for your organization, please email our team for more information:

To make a donation to our annual fund, please visit the following link: Donate

Artistic Leaders

Teaching Artists

Work with Studio Playground

  • Studio Playground is seeking Teaching Artists to join our team!

    We are seeking teachers for after-school programs in Rhode Island and Boston. This is a part-time seasonal position. The time commitment varies depending on the program. Most programs require availability for a consistent weekday during after-school hours.

    Compensation: $40-50 per hour

    Qualifications: Bachelor's degree; prior teaching experience

    Instagram: @studioplaygroundtheatre

    Apply: Please email your resume and references:

    Studio Playground teaches classes for all ages based in movement and physical acting. Our classes explore the benefits of laughter through performance and playful improvisation. We are dedicated to promoting access to arts education through our partner organizations and scholarship program. Studio Playground seeks to create an inclusive classroom environment which embraces the cultural values, gender identities, and neurodiversity of all students and teachers.

Volunteer with Studio Playground

  • If you are interested in volunteering for Studio Playground, please email us to request more information:

After-School Programs and Professional Development

  • To request a professional development workshop or after-school program for your organization, please email us for more information: